After buying most of the furniture we are finally getting settled in the house. This is definitely taking longer than any other move. We have literally started over! We were excited to sell everything and buy all new, but Mr. Man and I had no idea that starting over would be so much work!
Anyway, sorry to ramble! I love Chickens in the Road blog because she always posts the neatest things! A long time ago she posted about re-growing celery in a bowl of water, and I thought "How neat!" Here is the original post Well now that we are living in a populated neighborhood instead of in the country, my growing options are limited. I want to grow some things in my bathroom window, and I figured this was as good a place as any to start.
I "planted" my celery. I was worried that it would not work because this celery sat in my frig for over a week.
As you can see, we still have a lot of growing to do, but it amazes me how fast this has grown in just two weeks.
If you were wondering, no, I haven't been sitting in my bathroom watching this grow! I have been working room by room while waiting.
Isaac's room was first. My little man is a nut! Yesterday he came running out with a cape on and announced, "My superhero name is ExtraLarge!"
Then it was on to my girls' room! They are what you would expect from a 4 year old and 3 year old. Everything is pink and purple and looks as if Princesses exploded in their room.
Then it was onto the living spaces. I still have one living room that's not done. I firgured I'd mess with it later. A giant Christmas tree room keeps coming to mind ;-)
Then came our room. We have a king size memory foam mattress. After looking at tons of beds I decided to build my own. There were two big facters 1)I'm cheap 2)if I can build it myself, why not?! I guess those two reasons are really just one, but back to the subject. Here is my new bed. I still lack the extra throw pillows, but you can see where it is going.
We are not doing the major decorating in this home because we only have 21 months left here. Now that the bare necessities are done I can move onto important stuff! Like kiddos and crafties! After lots of work I have my craft room up and running! It's not pretty or cutsy, but it is functional and actually really nice.
So that was my last few weeks in a nutshell. Now that all is settled, I promise to post more often. I hope you enjoyed! Here's a parting thought, just in case you have not smiled today.
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